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lovely to meet you

My name is Emily Harrison. I am a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and a Postpartum Ayurvedic Nutrition & Support Doula. I have a Doctoral Certificate in Ayurvedic medicine through Ayurved Sadhana, approved by the State of Colorado and recognized by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. I am a certified Birth Doula through Birth Arts International. I am passionate about helping people achieve balance in their health so they can feel at home in their body. I develop customized health protocols for individuals and work closely with them to achieve their personal health goals. 

I am honored to be here

For 10 years of my adulthood, I was fortunate enough to travel and live abroad. During that time I was exposed to several different systems of medicine. Because I often found myself in locations that lacked modern medical care I began researching natural remedies and disease prevention. Without reliable medicinal facilities nearby, prevention became the best option for staying safe and healthy. When I heard about Ayurveda, it made so much sense. I tried to teach myself but it was too complex to learn without the guidance of a true teacher. After living between the Caribbean and West Africa for 10 years, I moved back to the States and pursued a formal education in Ayurveda.


When I found the Practitioner program at Ayurved Sadhana in Superior, Colorado, founded by Dr Bharat Vaidya and his wife Anupama Vaidya, I signed up immediately. This was a pivotal point in my life. After the first class, I cried on the drive home. I felt like I was on a path of purpose. Ayurveda puts health back in the hands of the individual. It empowers us to make diet and lifestyle decisions that yield powerful results, without being a slave to lifelong medication. It gives us the tools we need to heal naturally and it looks at each person as a unique being, rather than just a set of symptoms.

Ayurveda is a system of hope.

It is my honor to share it with you.





Dr Bharat Vaidya and Anupama Vaidya, I am endlessly grateful for the knowledge and wisdom you have given me.

I will always be your humble student.

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Professional Development

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Birth Arts International, Certified Doula 

Completed April, 2024

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COLORAMA Member, Colorado Āyurvedic Medical Association

Joined January, 2023

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Ä€yurvedic Doula Nutrition & Support Program, Sutika Sevika

Awarded October 27th, 2022

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Ä€yuvedic Doctor,
National Āyurvedic Medical Association

Professional member at the level of Ä€yurvedic Doctor. This is awarded in the confirmation of meeting NAMA educational and practice standards in the category of Ä€yurvedic Doctor with all rights, privileges and responsibilities. 

Awarded January 27th, 2022

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Advanced Āyurvedic Practitioner Program, Āyurved Sadhana Vidyalaya

4 Year Ayurved Parangat (Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner) – 3035 hours (188.5 credits).

The Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner Program is a four year program that consists of 3035 theory hours with approximately 380-400 of those hours being hands-on practical training per semester. Approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education.

Awarded November 6th, 2021

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Ä€yurvedic Practitioner Program,
Ä€yurved Sadhana Vidyalaya

Awarded April 2nd, 2021

Emily lives in Loveland Colorado with her husband and pups.

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