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Follow-up Session

Continue the healing journey

1 h
108 US dollars

Service Description

Follow-up session refine and adjust your original protocol to promote ongoing progress. These sessions typically last 1 hour. The frequency and number of follow-ups will vary based on individual needs and the severity of the imbalance. Generally, follow-up sessions are recommended every 2-4 weeks until balance is restored, discomfort is alleviated, and health goals are met. Ayurveda aims to help each individual achieve and maintain balance, recognize when they are deviating from it, and equip them with the tools to self-correct with minimal guidance. Regular follow-up sessions support you in learning how to stay balanced or return to balance independently. Please note that the cost of the follow-up sessions does not include supplements, herbs, oils, products, shipping, or food items, which will be priced separately according to market rates. Appointments are available both in-person and virtually.

Cancellation Policy

To secure your requested appointment time slot a deposit is paid when a session is booked. This deposit is non-refundable, regardless of when a session is cancelled. Honored appointments will have their booking deposit applied to their session balance.

Contact Details

  • Loveland, CO, USA

    (970) 980-9765

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