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Āyurvedic Consultation

The first step to feeling at home in your body

1 h 30 min
180 US dollars

Service Description

4 weeks of custom food, herb, and lifestyle support specific to your health goals. Consultations are tailored to assess your unique constitution (prakruti) and identify any imbalances (vikruti). During your initial consultation, I will review your intake form, determine your individual constitution, and ask relevant questions. You’ll also have the opportunity to share any additional information not covered in the intake form. If necessary and with your consent, I will examine your pulse, tongue, eyelids, fingernails, and other vital signs. All information shared is kept strictly confidential. Our discussion will be comprehensive, and within 24 hours, you will receive an email with a personalized protocol. This will include recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and herbal supplements tailored to your needs. Please note that the cost of the consultation does not include supplements, herbs, oils, or other products, which will be priced separately based on current market rates. You can choose between in-person or virtual appointments. Upon booking, you will receive an email with all necessary intake forms. Please complete and return these forms at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.

Cancellation Policy

To secure your requested appointment time slot a deposit is paid when a session is booked. This deposit is non-refundable, regardless of when a session is cancelled. Honored appointments will have their booking deposit applied to their session balance.

Contact Details

  • Loveland, CO, USA

    (970) 980-9765

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